In this session, Bryan, an animation professor at our university, began by going over the fundamentals of animation and after effects with us. It was very easy for me to get used to the software because I had experience with postproduction and Adobe Premiere Pro. However, because I'm interested in post-production and am editing two films this semester, this session was really helpful to me because I was having trouble creating a credit scene at the end of the films when I was using Media Composer's Titer. But since Bryan and I had that session, I had learned a new method to create credits. Bryan showed us how to use After Effects to create various kinds of animation during this session. He started by teaching us how to load various objects into the edit sequence. Then, using our newly acquired knowledge, we created various objects, allowing ourselves the creative freedom to produce original work. I created a title for my film "Brides," which I'm editing this semes...